BranchMiner - Discovering Complex Branching Conditions From Event Logs

BranchMiner is a tool for extracting complex branching conditions from business process execution traces. The tool is designed to act as a complement to automated process model discovery tool such as the Heuristic Miner or ILP miner implemented in ProM.

The techniques behind BPStruct are documented in the following papers:

  • Artem Polyvyanyy, Luciano García-Bañuelos, Marlon Dumas: "Structuring Acyclic Process Models".



Follow the instructions in ReadMe.txt file that is included in the package. The package also includes a battery of test cases.


BranchMiner is developed by the Software Engineering Research Group at University of Tartu and the Architecture of Information Systems Group at Eindhoven University of Technology. The tool is developed in the context of the ACSI Project supported by the European Commission's FP7 program.